Do you have a voice at the table?

What is our mission?

We engage people to embrace equity by providing interactive diversity, inclusion, and belonging training in order to break down barriers and build authentic relationships.

Why is DEI&B work so important?

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEI&B) work is so important to an organization’s culture because bringing these values into the workplace embraces the importance of giving everyone an opportunity to not only sit at the table, but to have a voice at the table. People of different races, abilities, ages, genders, religions, sexual orientations, and other backgrounds can add much needs value to the organization. It can foster creativity, allow multiple perspectives, shift cultural norms, and increase collaboration and teamwork.

What do we offer?

We provide custom workshops to best suit your organization’s needs! Some of our sample workshops include:

  • Identity and Belonging

  • Stereotypes/Implicit Bias

  • Microaggressions

  • Systemic Racism

  • Bystander Training

  • How to Have Courageous Conversations

To learn more, visit the Services tab above, or use our contact form here.