Donna Ong Trumbo

Donna’s life mission, is driven by the Scripture verse from Micah 6:8: “And what does the Lord require you to do? To seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.”

She has dedicated more than 25 years advocating for social justice issues. As a community activist, she also serves on the Board of Directors for AAPI Placer County. She most recently received the Sacramento Bee and Nehemiah’s Top 25 Changer Maker Award. Donna is a graduate of Leadership Rocklin and serves on may regional special event committees. She has been trained for diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging work, develops curriculum, and serves as a facilitator for racial healing, equity workshops and the courageous conversations series..



Twiana Armstrong

Twiana is a long-time Rocklin resident who has spent many years as a community influencer for social justice and equity for the city and school district. She is also a lead facilitator and our business administrator. With her familiarity with the region, she is highly connected to the city, and is currently serving on the Leadership Rocklin Steering Committee. Twiana is also the founder of seeMYchild, a non-profit dedicated to ensure that every child is seen heard and loved. ABC Equity and seeMYchild work alongside one another to make a greater impact for the children in our community.


Herman Johnson

Herman is a business developer and a networker who is passionate about racial reconciliation. He serves as a project leader, lead facilitator and business engagement activator for Courageous Conversations for Racial Healing. Herman is also a graduate of Leadership Rocklin and is leading the way as a change-agent for the city.