Courageous Conversations for Racial Healing


Courageous Conversations is not a diversity training or cultural sensitivity lectures. ABC Equity Consultants serve as facilitators who guide people into having open and honest conversations through sharing and reflection. We are not here to change people’s minds. Therefore, we refrain from having debates, religious arguments, political discussions or judgments agains one another. Learning is a process we choose to do together.

We offer 6-week classes to openly discuss racial topics. Participants are provided with proper terminology, historical truths about racism and communication tools to help change the way people perceive other people of color. We offer a safe space for people to share their personal experiences.

Invite a friend who doesn’t look like you! A diverse class with different ethnic backgrounds not only enhances the credibility of discussion, but it builds bridges for people to better understand what it’s like to live in another person’s shoes.